Plans for the creation of the world's first fully-featured synthetic fuel plant have taken a landmark step forward as Zero announces their partnership with...
A Metaverse and XR Recruiter has relocated into new offices in Greater Manchester order to deliver the next phase of expansion plans.
FourPointZero, the Metaverse...
KINGSWOOD Homes is opening the doors to its new sales centre at Spinners Brook, Hoddlesden, this weekend.
Located in the picturesque village of Hoddlesden, Spinners...
Video wall control room technology from Burnley-based Ultimate Visual Solutions (UVS) projects are monitoring traffic on a third of England's major roads.
UVS and its...
Linda Walmsley, Co-Founder of North West based executive recruiters, Walmsley Wilkinson says she has been particularly interested in the topic of Science Technology, Engineering...