Nineteen-year-old, Dan Rutherford, who has an apprenticeship with Lancaster-based wood and solid fuel supplier, Logs Direct, has won the title of ‘Apprentice of the...
Chorley based business Crowberry Consulting has achieved a place in the Regional Finals of the National Apprenticeship Scheme – Apprenticeship of the Year 2017....
A Lancashire motor dealer has re-signed an agreement with Blackburn College to ensure that future mechanics have the skills the changing motor industry needs.
Three apprentices from Preston’s College & the Construction Industry Training Board (CITB) were crowned some of the best in the North of England after...
A partnership between Blackburn College and Capita continues to go from strength to strength, after eighteen months of collaboration, leading to a long list...
WEC Group’s engineering apprentices have put their new fabrication and machining skills to the test in order to manufacture major parts for a research...