The ‘Time to Talk About Wellbeing at Work’ conference enables employers to share good practice and learn new strategies to improve emotional wellbeing in the workplace. The conference supports Time to Change’s national campaign ‘Time to Talk Day’ which aims to tackle stigma and discrimination around mental health in the workplace.
Zac Wilde, Training Quality Coordinator at Lancashire Mind, said: “By taking our conference online we hope to make the event even more accessible to organisations of all sizes.
“Whether you have just started your mental health journey as a workplace or have been championing this area for years our conference will enable you to connect and engage with other organisations that prioritise mental wellbeing.”
The conference aims to help organisations learn from other employers about their experience of supporting their workforce and introduce a range of organisations who can provide support and assistance to give employers the confidence to make the change in their own organisations.
Lancashire Mind deliver training to businesses and organisations and had to quickly adapt their delivery methods when the country went into lockdown in March. Since then they have been able to deliver workshops and training virtually to hundreds of learners, while also producing downloadable workplace packs for employers and employees.
Tommy McIlravey, CEO of Lancashire Mind said: “It’s incredibly important for us an organisation to be able to adapt our services to ensure we can continue to offer the support that businesses need. We hope that events, such as our annual Workplace Wellbeing Conference, will give businesses yet another form of support.”
Lancashire Mind are in the process of finalising the details of the conference and are keen to hear from potential speakers and businesses or organisations that would like to attend.
Karen Arrowsmith, Training Lead at Lancashire Mind highlighted: “We have been lucky to have such great speakers at previous events from both the private and public sectors, along with charities and education, and we’ll be looking for that same mix this year. We’re after dynamic and engaging individuals that have a clear passion for mental health in general and who see the importance of supporting mental health in the workplace.”
If you believe you could provide unique insights around Mental Health, are keen to share best practice in your workplace or would just like more information, please contact [email protected]