Bamber Bridge based has gifted 200 t-shirts as a thank you to NHS staff in Preston and Leyland. The black shirts are branded with a clear social distancing novelty slogan “If you can read this you are too close”.
Provision of the gifts was facilitated by Blackpool based key suppliers, PF Concept UK. The donated garments are to be distributed through the new NHS Heroes Support Hub and are being added to shelves stocked with a range of fresh fruit and vegetables, bread and cakes, other non perishable food, drinks plus toiletries and household products. All items have been donated and are free to staff working for Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
Steve Ward, MD of said: “When I read about the hub being a free mini supermarket for our local NHS heroes, I wanted to support it and I thought the t-shirts would be ideal as their slogan reminds people to observe the two metre distance rule.”
The NHS Heroes Support Hub is within walking distance of the Royal Preston Hospital, which is also home to Rosemere Cancer Centre, the region’s specialist cancer treatment centre. The hub is run entirely by volunteers and was the idea of Preston’s Muslim community.
BusinessGiftUK has also supplied 4000 water bottles to the Hub, kindly sponsored by Preston based Gafoor Foods and more t-shirts to his local surgery, Worden Medical Centre, Leyland, helping to remind everyone to keep safe distances outside the Centre.