Businesses are being encouraged to sign up for this year’s charity challenge for Trinity Hospice and Brian House Children’s Hospice.
The charity has launched this year’s Fylde Coast £50 Challenge, where businesses are given a £50 starter fund, and given four months to turn into as much as possible to support Trinity or it’s dedicated children’s hospice, Brian House.
In the last six years the challenge has raised more than £203,000.
Last year Victrex PLC was crowned champion after raising more than £10,200 through a variety of fundraising events, including a group of staff who completed the Benidorm or Bust driving rally.
Corporate Fundraiser Janet Atkins, said: “This challenge really showcases the amazing ideas and talents we have here on the Fylde coast, and we’ve had some really exciting, imaginative and sometime crazy ideas to support local hospice care.
“It’s always brilliant to see what a bit of healthy competition does to drive each organisation’s fundraising. This event really is tremendous fun, and is a really rewarding way of helping the hospice – previous participants say it’s the best team building they have ever done.
“Businesses come in all shapes and sizes, so whatever they raise above the £50 starter is absolutely incredible and means so much to us at Trinity and Brian House.
“The starter fund is donated by one of our generous sponsors, so every penny raised by our participating companies goes directly to supporting our patients here on the Fylde coast.
“We’ve already had an amazing take up for this year’s event, but there are still some starter funds left for other companies who want to join in the fun.”