Recently Morecambe Business Improvement District (BID), in Lancashire, purchased 1,000 giant poppies to help commemorate the 100th year anniversary of the end of World War One, and also the formation of the Royal Air Force. Such was the response and generosity from local businesses and the public that BID has purchased an additional 1,000 poppies to really paint the town red.
In commemoration, Morecambe BID are supporting the Royal British Legion with the intention of covering the town in large poppies for the season. Morecambe BID is urging businesses to get behind this worthwhile scheme.
Help support our heroes by buying some poppies and displaying them prominently. Businesses in the BID zone can get two giant poppies for only £3.00, and all proceeds are in support of the Royal British Legion so please dig deep. Morecambe residents can also benefit and help this great charity by buying a poppy for only £3.00 each. The poppies are made from a quality, long-lasting material and will also enhance the town for Morecambe in Bloom judging.
The poppies can be bought from the following locations:-
13 the Warehouse, Queen Street; The Management Suite at Arndale Morecambe; The Little Shop of Hobbies in Pedder Street, and Briggs Shoes, Marine Parade